Copy & Paste URL:

Use the above Google Analytics URL Builder to generate Google Analytics Tracking Codes to accurately attribute and measure your campaigns in Google Analyticsor any other analytics platforms. You can use a UTM tracking code on all major analytics platforms. UTMs will allow you to run attribution with greater accuracy so you’ll know where your traffic is coming from beyond the standard “referrer” URL you would typically see.

What is UTM tracking?

UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters are appended to the end of a URL or link. If UTMs are added, you can measure where your traffic is coming from with more granularity and accuracy. If you don’t use UTMs you can still see the referrer, but this is not structured or as informative and still leaves you guessing which post, domain, or content the user engaged to visit your website. This leaves you in the dark with regards to what is working and what is not.
To break this down further, a UTM consists of several different components: website URL, campaign source, campaign medium, campaign term, campaign content, and campaign name.

  • Website URL:
  • Campaign Name: product
  • Campaign Source: facebook
  • Campaign Medium: cpa
  • Campaign Term: attribution
  • Campaign Content: black+friday

Campaign Name (utm_campaign): The identifier for a specific campaign, product, or offering that you’re driving traffic to. It’s required for all UTMs.
Campaign Source (utm_source): The referrer of traffic to your page, such as Google, Facebook or Criteo.
Campaign Medium (utm_medium): This tracks the type of traffic such as “referral”, “cpc”, “cpa”, “cpv”, “cpm”, “email”.
Campaign Term – optional (utm_term): This is optional, but creating a campaign term allows you to track the paid keywords of an ad or even the focus keyword of the content you used in your ad or referral.
Campaign Content – optional (utm_content): This is another optional part of a UTM which allows you to easily segment between ads on the same channel, like Facebook ads, which comes in handy when you’re A/B testing your creative or copy.

UTMs in Google Analytics

Once you’ve created a URL with our Google Analytics URL builder, you can monitor your campaigns under the Google Analytics acquisition section. You can also filter down reports to the campaign you used in your UTM tracking code.